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Topics - aje001

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Extensions and Add-Ons / Extension for customised products
« on: October 01, 2017, 11:44:36 PM »
Hi everyone,

I am looking for an extension that will allow my customers to customise/personalise their own product with text and images. My online store currently has the option for them to submit text and upload images, but I'd like something which will allow them to see a preview of the product while they do so.

Something similar to the custom t-shirt designers on the CustomInk or TeeJunction websites.

Does anyone have an ideas?

Configuration / Adding countries and zones
« on: March 30, 2017, 04:09:19 AM »
Hi everyone, I apologise if this has already been covered somewhere on the foums, but I have not been able to find the answer...

When I initially set up my store, I deleted all the countries and zones instead of just turning them off.  Now we are expanding, and are going to start offering shipping to other countries.

My question is: Is there a quick/easy way to add a bunch of countries and zones?  Either a bulk import of a list, or re-install all the standard ones that come with the AbanteCart install.  I'd rather not have to sit there and manually add each country and zone individually if I can help it...

Thanks in advance.

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