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Topics - RajaSarma

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Configuration / Website Error, Please Help Me.
« on: February 09, 2015, 11:31:28 PM »
Hi all.
From a few days, i found a problem with my AbanteCart site.
When i go to visit my site, then a AbanteCart error page is displayed, and says- "There Has Been Error Processing You Request. Please see Error Log in Control Panel"    -etc.
And after 2 or 3 hours the problem is solve automatically.
But after the day, next morning the problem will be happen again.
And i see in error log in control panel, but nothing in there.
And i also want to tell this, i never edit any configuration files, even accidently.
So i need a way to solve the problem permanently.
And i see many posts here about this problem.
But i could not find any idea how to solve the problem.
So please i request you, please tell me how do i solve this problem.
Please tell me as soon as possible.
Because my site is Live for customers. So please help me.

Configuration / URL Adding on Config.php.
« on: January 31, 2015, 11:57:54 PM »
Hi everyone!

I am very happy with my AbanteCart store.
I want to know one thing about URL.
I mean, i install AbanteCart to my hosting account from Autoinstaller of my hosting account in August month 2014.
And when i was install AbanteCart, there is i have to enter:
Admisintrator User name,
Admisintrator Email,
Admisintrator Password,
But in that time i unable to add a url in the URL section.
Because in that time i have not a own domain name.
   But in October month 2014 i register a own domain name.
And then i parke my domain name in my hosting account, which hosting account is my AbanteCart site.
And then i also add my domain name to AbanteCart system settings.
  But i want know that, can i add my domain name to Config.php? Like openCart?
I see in a search in openCart this is possible to add URL to Config.php.
Is there any way to add this in AbanteCart Config.php or where?
Please tell me the way admin. Please.
Thanks in Advance!

Opinions / Offline Credit Card Processing
« on: January 24, 2015, 01:45:29 AM »
  I want to know that, actually what is Offline Credit Card Processing extension?
  If i buy this extension, then can i able to receive payments from my customers?
  I am from India, can i use this extension?
  Dear admin, i want to buy this extension, if this extension give me the ability to receive payments from my customers. Please tell me the details about this extension please.
  If i use this extension, then it is possible for customers to give their payment without living my website?
  I need all the details admin, please tell me as soon as you can.

Thanks in advance.

General Support / Unable To Add Logo In Storefront.
« on: January 15, 2015, 01:07:57 AM »
I unable to add my store logo in my storefront. But my logo is already uploaded in Appearance, but not displayed in my storefront.
And i receive messages in Error Log like this--
App Warning:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.9 Warning: Accessing store with unconfigured or unknown domain ( ).
 Check setting of your store domain URL in System Settings . Loading default store configuration for now. in /home/u908975496/public_html/core/lib/config.php on line 169
But why admin? is my hosting account (my store website subdomain), and now i use my own domain ( for this hosting account.
And i set my store url not as my subdomain-, i set my store url as-
And i use only 1 url to access my store.
But now what should i do to displaying my logo in my storefront?
Please tell me as soon as possible dear admin.

  Thanks in advance.

Support / Net Banking directly in AbanteCart Store in India.
« on: December 24, 2014, 01:37:34 AM »
Hi dear admins.
Can you please tell me, how can i use Net Banking directly in my online store in India?
Please tell me the way dear admin.
Thanks in advance.

General Support / Sub-Locations Under A Location.
« on: December 19, 2014, 05:33:30 AM »
I want to tell something about Locations.
Here in AbanteCart, Location adding system is very-very good system.
But if Sub-Location adding system is available in AbanteCart, then it is very-very-very helpful to all AbanteCart users of all Countries.
Because, if i able to add Sub-Locations under a Location, then it means, i am able to add Cities or Districts under a State or Region of a Country.
So it is very-very helpful things to all AbanteCart users not only me.
Then all users are able to add different Shipping Methods, or different Prices or different Offers for their City wise.
Personally i also need this thing very-very much.
And after adding this system, Customers can select their City from Drop-down menu, like Country or State selecting drop-down menu.
I Heartly request you dear AbanteCart admin- Please add this system for adding Sub-Locations under a Location.
I request you dear AbanteCart Admin.
I think this is not a difficult or hard thing to add this system in AbanteCart.
Please add this system as soon as possible dear Admin.

Extension Support / About 2Checkout Payment Gateway.
« on: December 14, 2014, 01:29:27 PM »
Now i register with 2Checkout payment gateway for my website.
And i found my INS url and Approved url in the 2Checkout payment extension page in my AbanteCart cpanal.
But the INS url and Approved url is created with my website Subdomain name url,
(And i found my INS or Approved url as, just example-
But now i use my own domain
So i want to know that, can i use the INS and Approved url with my own domain name?
And which section i have to enter the INS and Approved url in 2Checkout website?
Please tell me as soon as possible.
Please, its very ****** for me.
Thanks in advance.

Opinions / About Indian Payment Gateway.
« on: December 02, 2014, 04:22:50 AM »
Hello AbanteCart Admin.
AbanteCart is a very beautiful online shop creator software.
But i want to ask you that, it is also very-very-very important to add more Indian Payment Gateways in AbanteCart system.
Because its very ****** for all Indian Customers.
So i request you, please add some indian payment gateways as soon as possible.
It is very-very ****** for us.
Please think about it soon. And please reply me.
Thanks in advance!

Template Support / PayU India.
« on: October 24, 2014, 04:13:31 PM »
Can i use PayU India in AbanteCart?
Please add PayU India in AbanteCart system. Please Admin.

Support / I want a perfect answer.
« on: October 18, 2014, 01:50:13 PM »
I already post this bellow question in Template Support forum, but i have not receive any answers there.
So i post this same question in here.
Please reply me as soon as possible, its ****** for me.
My question:
I am using Default_Html5 template.
And i set the Same Page Add To Cart is ON.
And now when i click on a product (not Add To Cart button), then the
next step when i am in that product page, and then when i click on Add To Cart button, then its not working, and after some time it goes to Time Out.
Why its happening?
How can i fix the probelm? Please tell me as soon as possible. Please.

Template Support / Problem with Add To Cart Button.
« on: October 17, 2014, 04:05:28 PM »
I am using Default_Html5 template.
And i set the Same Page Add To Cart is ON.
And now when i click on a product (not Add To Cart button), then the
next step when i am in that product page, and then when i click Add To Cart button, then its not working, and after some time it goes to Time Out.
Why its happening?
How can i fix the probelm? Please tell me as soon as possible.

Template Support / Redirect to the Shopping Cart page system.
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:33:57 PM »
In Default_Html5 version, i look a thing at AbanteCart Market Place website.
When i click on the Add To Cart button in AbanteCart Market Place website, then i redirect to the Shopping Cart page.
I want this system for my site, to redirect a customer to Shopping Cart page, when he/she click on Add To Cart button.
Please help me to do that. Please Admin.

When my site was set to default version, i edit storefront/view/image/basket.png file, and trying to add a another Basket icon from myself.
But after that i lost the basket icon from my site.
And i also lost the orange color blocks.
So please tell me how can i get it back.
Please tell me dear Admin, it ******.

Template Support / About Header Blue Color Of Default_Html5 Version.
« on: October 08, 2014, 05:10:08 AM »
I want to know that, what is the color name or what is the color code of's Header Color?
I want to add that type of Blue Color in my AbanteCart site's Default_Html5 version.
Please tell me the color details, and please tell me how can i do that.
Please answer me as soon as possible please dear Admin.

Template Support / An Unexpected Error.
« on: October 07, 2014, 12:38:38 PM »
Hello everyone!
Now i am using Default_Html5 theme for my AbanteCart site.
And i test my products Add To Cart system by clicking on ADD TO CART button.
When i click on the Add To Cart button, then at the top of the site shown a message with "Unknown Ajax Error".
Whats this?
How can i solve the problem?
Please tell me as soon as possible, please.
Its ****** for me. Please help me.

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