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Support / Login Bug abantecart v1.6
« on: July 30, 2013, 06:32:21 AM »
I can't login by using email address at front-end. Abantecart accept login name only. (HTML5 template). Please check and fix it.
Thank you!

General Support / Re: New Template HTML5 problem
« on: July 30, 2013, 03:13:27 AM »
In the meanwhile, how can I hide the product description in the product list?

Hope that the abantecart team can add the sorting method at the backend product listing page.

General Support / Re: New Template HTML5 problem
« on: July 30, 2013, 02:37:47 AM »
I think that abantecart should add  the "brief description field" both in database and the backend and let the products list in a category (list format) display the brief description instead of the "descritipon" field.

Yes, this is good point. We can create a Product Blurb that will be non-HTML and be shown in places you describe.

Besides, if my product description contains in-completed html code. The grid-format category list will also show the product details under the grid list. Please make the HTML5 grid list doesn't affect by this.

General Support / Re: New Template HTML5 problem
« on: July 28, 2013, 02:45:50 PM »
this is another problem if there is incompleted html code inside in the item's description.
The category listing page (in grid format) will also show the details of the items on this page.

General Support / Re: New Template HTML5 problem
« on: July 28, 2013, 02:33:52 PM »
here is the attached screen for your reference.
It displays all the details of the item's page.
It should limit the total no. of rows/lines can be displayed. (ie. 10 rows/ lines only)
Don't kwno whether this is caused by an incompleted html code or the default behaviour/design of abantecart.

This list form should only display the brief description only. (For my case, there have a few large pictures and long description inside in the item page). But abantecart doesn't has brief description in the design.

After I have tested the official abantecart website demo, it is default behaviour of abantecart in list format. Because there is no brief description in abantecart. So that it shows all the content of the item description.....

I think that abantecart should add  the "brief description field" both in database and the backend and let the products list in a category (list format) display the brieft description instead of the "descritipon" field.

General Support / New Template HTML5 problem
« on: July 27, 2013, 03:03:08 AM »
Don't know why it will show all the details page of the item by choosing the category which is showed by list form. (not grid form).
This may be caused by some un-tidy html code.
How can fix it if I don't try to fix the un-tidy html code?

How to make the backend to sort the product list by date (new to old)?

Support / Re: Order Management - > Reset order and invoive number
« on: April 12, 2013, 11:12:51 PM »
You should define some "Order status" which can't be deleted by user (ie, Paid, Shipped or Completed and let admin define when to reduce the inventory by the status (Paid, Shipped or completed).  (but also need to allow admin to create custom status.)
If the order is cancelled (status=cancelled), then restore the inventory. If there is no setting for reduce inventory and restore inventory, then abantecart will not handle the inventory. Then we can handle the inventory manually. This is more flexible.

Coming back on item #1. Conceptually it is not very simple to handle stock return. This will require implementation of RMA extension.
It is based on the policy how each merchant handle stock management.
If you cancel the order and stock is returned to the total count, and later you decide to complete the order. What should happen? There is a lot to validate here and it can be a mess.
Clean way to do this is implementing RMA and return process will handle stock return to total.

Any thoughts?

Support / Re: Order Management - > Reset order and invoive number
« on: April 12, 2013, 11:03:00 PM »
You should find the phpmyadmin in your cPanel. Then open the database and find out the "orders" table and at the right hand side, you will find the "management" tab. and set auto_increment=1.
or input the above SQL command in the "SQL" tab.
or clear the table "orders", then all records delete and auto_increment reset to 1.

Not to sound like the newbie that I am, but how do you get to the MySql to edit the order #s.  I have never done that before - only editing in cpanel and php.

Support / Re: address format???
« on: April 01, 2013, 11:43:19 AM »
Athough the following modification can solve it. But my customers also came from various countries.
So that I still need it to check the city and postcode. The best solution should allow me to modify the address format in backend for each countries and abantecart should check the format for each countries at frontend. The original design should allow to modify the address format for each countries but abantecart do not implment it. Hope the fix can be  released in the coming new version.

Data of new account form validates in file
public_html/storefront/model/account/customer.php method validateRegistrationData, line #174

you can remove check for city
Code: [Select]
if ((strlen(utf8_decode($data['city'])) < 3) || (strlen(utf8_decode($data['city'])) > 128)) {
$error['city'] = $this->language->get('error_city');
or just comment.
Also you can open file public_html/storefront/controller/pages/account/create.php
and change 'required' => true  by 'required' => false
Code: [Select]
$this->data['form'][ 'city' ] = $form->getFieldHtml( array(
                                            'type' => 'input',
                                            'name' => 'city',
                                            'value' => $this->request->post['city'],
                                           'required' => true ));

Support / Re: address format???
« on: March 30, 2013, 10:09:53 PM »
But it doesn't work. There is no effect after I have added the format. I open the registered page and change address at checkout page, it still needs me to input postcode and city. Please check it and fix it.
Thank you!

Yes, you can do this.
Go System ->Localization -> Countries.
Select country and add the format.

Support / Re: address format???
« on: March 30, 2013, 01:47:18 AM »
It seems that abantecart doesn't implement this feature right now. Please fix it.
Thank you!

Support / address format???
« on: March 22, 2013, 04:31:48 AM »
Can abantecart modify the address format in "country" at the backend admin?
I have tried removed the "city" and "postcode" but the frontend store still needs me to input the city and postcode.
How to solve it?
Thank you!

First Name = {firstname}
Last Name = {lastname}
Company = {company}
Address 1 = {address_1}
Address 2 = {address_2}
City = {city} <--- delete
Postcode = {postcode} <--- delete
Zone = {zone}
Zone Code = {zone_code}
Country = {country}

Add a product in order at backend admin which can't add the option.
Please enhance the code to let it allow to select option when add a product to an order (Order Edit).
Thank you!

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