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I have been struggling with something for days as my coding experience is limited.

I want to change the category tab (the one next to the tab where it says home) I want to change one of the categories source to a outside website. So far the only way I can change the source of the category source is iframe another website into the category page. 

A quick sample.

Home | Socks | Pants | Shirts|

When someone clicks socks the socks inventory come up and for pants the pants category. Now for shirts I want a different website all together to appear lets say google.  And the only way I been able to do so far is iframe. I want the full website to appear and as a parent and not iframe I want a full redirect.  Reason for this is because iframe takes a long time for my blogs to load so I am just going to redirect it to my wordpress website.. Unless someone knows a faster way to show my blogs. For now I will just stick to the complete redirect.

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