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Customization help / Re: Product Picture Place holder
« on: October 04, 2016, 12:08:01 PM »

Maybe you could upload a picture of a blank white square (see attached image).

General Support / Re: Icons don't load at first but works after reload
« on: October 04, 2016, 12:05:14 PM »

I often have this issue too.

But what I have found is that if I go to the icons do not appear. But as I have set my website url to in Abantecart, my icons work fine when I navigate to

Is there a fix for this? Or shall I try and redirect all traffic to ?


Customization help / How can I make this menu link appear on white?
« on: September 27, 2016, 05:15:45 AM »

I have created a new link in the Admin menu.

1. I searched for the word 'Quick' in admin.
2. I opened "text_short_stats" (this is just the text that says Quick Stats in admin)
3. I edited this text and now it looks like this:

<i class="fa fa-external-link-square" style="color: #ffffff;">
</i>  <span size="2" color="white" style="color: white; font-size: medium;">
 <b>Links</b></span> <br>

<span size="2" color="white" style="color: white; font-size: small;">
<i class="fa fa-font" style="color: white;">
 <a href ="">HTML Editor</i></span></a><br>

<i class="fa fa-google" style="color: white;">
<span size="2" color="white" style="color: white; font-size: small;">
 </i><a href="">Google Analytics</a></span><br>
Quick Stats

But I have 2 problems which I need help with:

1. How can I get the URL to appear in white? At the moment it is invisible until I hover over it (see attachments)?
2. How can I get the links to display in the Abantecart i-frame (the main area where menu items appear for editing) instead of opening a new window to the URL?

Any help would be appreciated!


General Support / Re: How to add menu on the Admin page?
« on: September 26, 2016, 12:07:55 PM »

I will follow whatever is the easiest option! But I am not a developer so need some help!

It's easy for me to create the install.php file. But I don't understand what to do next.

Also, I can see how to add a new Language Definition, but what shall I enter for Value and Key? When I Inspect Code for text_external_links it shows <span class="menu_text"></span>. But it should say <span class="menu_text">Links</span>.

PLEASE can someone help!!

General Support / Re: How to add menu on the Admin page?
« on: September 26, 2016, 10:26:35 AM »
Can someone please help me with this??

General Support / Re: How to add menu on the Admin page?
« on: September 23, 2016, 07:13:52 AM »

I got really stuck with this! I thought it may have been simpler as I just want to add a link to Google Analytics to my admin page.

I came across this post:,1102.msg4270.html#msg4270

Will this work on 1.2.8?

INSERT INTO `abc_dataset_values` (`dataset_column_id`, `value_varchar`,`row_id`)
VALUES (7,'external_links',11)

INSERT INTO `abc_dataset_values` (`dataset_column_id`, `value_varchar`,`row_id`)
VALUES (8,'text_external_links',11)

INSERT INTO `abc_dataset_values` (`dataset_column_id`, `value_varchar`,`row_id`)
VALUES (9, '' ,11)

INSERT INTO `abc_dataset_values` (`dataset_column_id`, `value_varchar`,`row_id`)
VALUES  (10,'external_links',11)

INSERT INTO `abc_dataset_values` (`dataset_column_id`, `value_integer`,`row_id`)
VALUES  (11,1,11)

INSERT INTO `abc_dataset_values` (`dataset_column_id`, `value_varchar`,`row_id`)
VALUES  (12,'core',11)

EDIT - I added the above lines to my DB. Please see attachments for the results - the menu text is missing and link does not work.

General Support / Re: Coupon error message is not entirely correct
« on: September 23, 2016, 05:19:30 AM »
Thanks Basara!

I did search the Search box at the top of Coupon for this error, but it did not show up.

I have now changed the definition to:

 "Error: Coupon is either invalid, expired or reached it's usage limit you have not spent the minimum amount of £1.99!"


General Support / Coupon error message is not entirely correct
« on: September 22, 2016, 04:34:09 PM »

I had this message after applying the coupon code at checkout:

Error: Coupon is either invalid, expired or reached it's usage limit!

But the message in my case is not helpful to the custome because the actual problem was that the basket did not contain the minimum spend of £1.

I have 2 questions:

1. Is it possible for 1.2.9 to have more specific error messages for this issue?
2. Where can I edit this error message?


General Support / Re: PayPal Express - Company Logo not working
« on: September 20, 2016, 05:44:18 AM »
Nope still not working.

When you look at your Cart, if you choose Checkout and continue, choosing PayPal as the option, your logo will NOT display in Sandbox.

BUT if you click on the PayPal button in your Cart (see attachment), your logo works fine in Sandbox.


General Support / Re: PayPal Express - Company Logo not working
« on: September 20, 2016, 05:39:16 AM »
OK. Got the logo working strangely!

General Support / Re: PayPal Express - Company Logo not working
« on: September 20, 2016, 05:29:03 AM »

I'm using Sandbox for testing.


SQL backup in PHPmyAdmin

Hello. I think you miss something on this stage. In PHPmyAdmin under the Options heading, ensure that you have selected, Add DROP TABLE / VIEW / PROCEDURE / FUNCTION and ensure that all of your tables are selected

You mean here? (see attachment)

General Support / PayPal Express - Company Logo not working
« on: September 19, 2016, 04:00:05 PM »

I added a PayPal Express logo under Company Logo (this is my site logo which customers can see when they go to PayPal to make payment). The logo is 90px x 90px so well within the allowed size.

When I go through my cart and make a payment, instead of the Company Logo showing, I get a placeholder. If I inspect the placeholder, it is looking for the following:

<img ng-src="" alt="tester facilitator's Test Store" ng-if="mechantImageUrl" xo-merchant-image-resize="" class="ng-scope" src="">

I have 2 questions:

1. There is no such folder inside image/. So why is it looking there?
2. I added a Company Logo via the PayPal Express extension, why isn't it showing that logo?

Any help would be appreciated.



This is my fault. Sorry.... My LIVE site is on 1.2.8 and TEST site was on 1.2.7. I upgraded the TEST site to 1.2.8 and the problem is solved!



I create my files backup over FTP and my SQL backup in PHPmyAdmin.

I worked it out :) This works on my LIVE and TEST sites:

<i class="fa fa-shopping-cart" style="color: #ffffff;">
<br /></i></a><a href="index.php?rt=checkout/cart">
<span style="color: #ffffff;">  CART &nbsp; &nbsp; </span>

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