Shopping Cart Operations > Extension Support

Unable to install extension

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Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to install an extension but I am getting the following error message when I try to submit my username\password.  I've managed to login to Marketplace so can't be my login details are wrong.

{"error_title":"Login Error!","error_text":"You are not logged in. You will be redirected to login page","show_dialog":true,"reload_page":true,"error_code":401}

I've tried ftp'ing the extension files but even this doesn't show up in extensions.

Any idea's where I'm going wrong please?


The reason for the error can be your server does not allow external connection to the AbanteCart marketplace server.
FTP should work if you upload the correct folder as per instruction but you can try the package installer

Thanks for the reply, much appreciated.

I'm trying to connect to the Marketplace but it won't let me, gives me that long error.  I've gone to the marketplace webpage and it lets me logon ok.  So one part says I can't authenticate and the other part lets me login.

Very confused

Grrrr... I logged onto a MS Windows machine and it worked perfectly. My Safari browser obviously doesn't like to do this anymore....


--- Quote from: ralga2022 on February 27, 2023, 05:20:42 AM ---Grrrr... I logged onto a MS Windows machine and it worked perfectly. My Safari browser obviously doesn't like to do this anymore....

--- End quote ---

Hello. What is the version of Safari browser and maybe you enable some extra features like IP hide or strict privacy settings?


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