Hi Guys,
It has been years since did any coding - websites etc but needs must
Installed a clean copy of Abantecart but i get no thumbnails - checked file permisions is 0777
The thumbnails are in the folder but i get the default image instead
Error logs are these if helps ?
2023-03-04 17:23:48 - App Error: AbanteCart core v.1.3.3 Cannot establish database connection to mseet_33716984_3 using 33716984_4@sql308.byetcluster.com
#0 /home/vol18_1/hstn.me/mseet_33716984/htdocs/core/database/amysqli.php on line 47
#1 /home/vol18_1/hstn.me/mseet_33716984/htdocs/core/lib/db.php on line 52
#2 /home/vol18_1/hstn.me/mseet_33716984/htdocs/core/init.php on line 350
#3 /home/vol18_1/hstn.me/mseet_33716984/htdocs/index.php on line 56
Any help would be gratefull - thanks

Imaged attached