I do want the ones that are there so I came up with a work around that will work for me.
I made a category called Foster & Adoption Stories and have it turned on but am not adding products to it. Instead I changed the wording for the "You have no products listed" to something generic (the clients tag line), since there won't be any categories with no products, it doesn't matter what that say's. I couldn't leave it empty because it kept putting text_empty, even when I deleted that it would put it back.
So now I added a block I created with links on it to the center as my content and the links on the page go to pdf's I created and uploaded for the stories. I think that will work fine for me.
Just thought I document what I did in case anyone else is in need.
Since I have you here, I can't find where to edit the layout of the contact us page, can it not be edited for layout? What I mean can it not be edited individually for layout?Thank you for your help, I must say I am really liking this cart, it is a very nice program and I will be using it exclusively for any client wanting a shopping cart. Nice work AbanteCart people!!
New page for the stories is:
http://fostermamas.com/store/index.php?rt=product/category&path=6You need to edit template file to filter what you want to show: /storefront/view/default_html5/template/blocks/menu_bottom.tpl
You can disable it in layout as well if you do not want it at all.