eCommerce construction > General Discussion

v133 config.php format changes


Hi core devs,

I have several questions about the config.php file changes in v1.3.3.

1. v1.3.2 is using define while v1.3.3 is using const? Why is it changed?
2. Is this a permanent change or may change in the future?
3. How do we know that there is changes for the format?

The changes cause us unable to clone updated cart version from prior v1.3.3 to v1.3.3 via Softaculous.

Please clarify problem.

I tried to clone an updated cart v1.3.3 from v1.3.2 via Softcaulous and it fails.

I check the config.php, compared with a new v1.3.3 install and find out the config.php format are not the same.

v1.3.2 is using define('DB_DRIVER','amysqli');

v1.3.3 is using const DB_DRIVER = 'amysqli';

Also upgrading from v1.3.2 to v1.3.3 does not update the config.php file. This is not using softaculous.

When i change change the define to const, i can clone the website.

My questions are:
1. Why is it changed?
2. Is using const a permanent change or may change in the future?
3. How do we know that there is a change for the config.php format? in case we need to make adjustment again for the clone works.

It was changed to match php 8.1 standards
It is a permanent change and you can follow all changes including not yet released in AbanteCart Github


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