eCommerce construction > Upgrade

Should I upgrade or wait?


I'm currently using AbanteCart version 1.3.0.  Version 1.3.3 was released. Is there any pressing reason to update to the newer version or can I just continue running my current version that is working just fine?

Nuno Neff:
See whats new and decide, i am on 1.3.3 and im happy ;)

I updated to get some updates to some of the extensions I use... BUT be aware that when you update to 1.3.3 there is a possible issue with your existing extension settings causing you to lose the ability to add or update "options" on products.  Weird problem, but it happened, and not just to me.  I have a solution to this, but you need to have ftp access to your site, and the ability to install a temporary 2nd installation of 1.3.3 to fix the issue.  It's not hard thankfully.  Once i figured out how to do it, took me less than 5 minutes.


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