
Author Topic: NATANI IS A SCAMMER  (Read 8610 times)

Offline Nuno Neff

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« on: July 26, 2023, 06:06:08 PM »
Good evening to the Abantecart community and lovers, Im writting this post tonight to show my dissatisfaction with a DEV called Natani, I have already bought several extensions from him and I think that i should be treated like a good customer and he treats his customers like I would never treat any of my customers.

To give you an idea, I have already bought from him the following extensions:
Category Wall-+120 $ I paid this price because I was his first client, he made the extension for me.  After this i already paid for updates
Ultra Search Extension - 25$ + updates
SEO Boost Tools & Pack v2.2 -75$
Countdown Sale banner block 15$
React Image Slider 20$

The category wall extension was bought directly to him, at first I found it strange that he sold directly without being through the marketplace but it was at the beginning and I was still green and every time that a new version came out I could not update, only after sending him emails and he would send the extension by email.

Ok so the new abantecart version is out and i decided to start upgrading my extension so i can soon upgrade my store, i purchased today Ultra Search new version via marketplace and paid 7.50$ to get extended support, after that i send an email to this person asking him to send me the new version of category wall, and he got back to me saying contact me via and we will talk about that there, ok so i did so.

I wrote him:
Hello Natani I'm Nuno because of the category wall, After a few minutes he replied to me.

I will send you category wall 2.0.2 addon for 14€ + tax = 17,50€

I sent him this message:
I was your first customer on the category wall, I was the one who asked you to make this addon, I already paid you when you created it, I already paid you more than once for updates, and now you're asking more than twice as much as I would pay if I had bought the extension from the marketplace and pay the extended support fee which costs $7.50.

He didn't answer me anymore and you know what this unscrupulous person did next, he went to Marketplace and increased the price of the extension from 25$ to 39$ and the price of extended support went from 7.50$ to 11.70$

He is the owner of the extension but the least he could have done if he had some humility was to tell me, look, this is the price and take advantage if you want because I will soon increase the value of the extension.

I think Marketplace should be careful with its partners who create extensions, one thing is to make money and another thing is to steal, and people like Natani don't do any good, they just make people move away from this wonderful ecommerce platform.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2023, 05:07:18 AM by Nuno Neff »

Offline mmageo

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« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2023, 09:56:04 AM »
I am just sharing my experience with Natani. I have around 12 of his extensions. And I had most of them modified to suit my site.  He is always reasonable and prompt (unlike other devs on the MP). He is a great developer, and takes care of his extensions (to note, make sure to test, test, test extensions before transaction is complete otherwise it will cost extra for revisions- $reasonably extra)

Offline Nuno Neff

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« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2023, 03:40:16 PM »
I also bought him several extensions and always through the MP, but now what he did is from a person with bad intentions, what he did is not acceptable, I mean he's chatting with me, and he asks me for more than what the MP is asking for the extension update, exactly twice as much, I ask him why he is charging me this amount and he stops answering me and goes running to the marketplace to raise the extension price, this is not for a normal person... seriously !
« Last Edit: July 29, 2023, 05:09:09 AM by Nuno Neff »


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