eCommerce construction > Fresh Installation

"web" folder not found (404 error) store front after installation


So this is the first time trying this cart software and I found it via my host provider who has "Softaculous" installed.

I installed the cart and the admin area loaded and worked ok but the store front points to a folder that does not exist

example: mydomain forward slash web

I have tried 3 times to install this and nothing changes... the store link in the admin area directs to  the above folder which is not found.

Everytime i remove the "web" folder, it redirects back to it

Version is 1.3.4

I have also checked via ftp and the folder does not exist

Any help would be just wonderful after the day I have had  ;D


PS annoying rules prevent me from typing urls  >:( "Sorry, you are not allowed to post external links. blah blah blah"

Please contact your hosting provider it seems they set up a redirect


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