eCommerce construction > Templates

fast checkat


Hello friends! I've made a new theme using Bootstrap5 theme, but I'm having trouble making my template tpl files work in fast checkout. I added templates 'responses/checkout/main.tpl' and 'pages/product/add_to_cart_buttons.tpl' to the main.php file of theme, but they don't seem to be recognized during fast checkout. Can you help me with a solution, please?

You should to add your tpl files into directory /extensions/fast_checkout/view/YOUR_TEMPLATE_TEXT_ID/pages(responses)/...
Fast checkout is an extension too.


--- Quote from: natdroid on October 28, 2023, 03:50:23 AM ---Bolabo I appreciate your suggestion to add tpl files to the /extensions/fast_checkout/view/YOUR_TEMPLATE_TEXT_ID. However, there's a reason I can't include these files in the fast_checkout extension. My theme is intended for sale. If you have any alternative suggestions or guidance on how I can work around this limitation, I would greatly appreciate it.

--- End quote ---

You have only one way - copy your template directory with tpls inside  into fast_checkout/storefront/view during installation (use install.php for that)


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