Shopping Cart Operations > Template Support

Bootstrap5 Logo Position

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Nuno Neff:
 Hello i would like move the store logo to the center of the header in the bootstrap5 theme, what do i have to do?

you can find logo here

You need to edit below line in fine
--- Code: ---public_html/extensions/bootstrap5/storefront/view/bootstrap5/template/common/header.tpl
--- End code ---

Around line 3 there is a code below

--- Code: ---<div class="mb-auto col-12 col-md-2 d-flex flex-wrap flex-md-nowrap justify-content-between"
--- End code ---

You need to set a 100% width here and set justify-content-center

Nuno Neff:
Ive done that but still continue to have the logo on my left.

Can you please help me solve this?

Can you share your HTML/CSS or post a link?


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