AbanteCart Development > New Features Discussion

Related categories


A useful new feature that could be implemented is relations between categories.
Something similar to relations between products, without having to link each product individually.

Examples where such feature would be useful:1) Software > Apple <===> Software > Microsoft > Office for Windows and Mac2) Supplies > Toners > Some brand > Toners for ABCD  <===>  Peripherals > Printers > Color printers > Some brand > Printer ABCD3) Notebooks > Dell > Latitude series  <===> Accessories > Notebook Accessories > External power supplies > 19V > Dell

In the first example, Microsoft Office products can be found in both "Software > Apple" and "Software > Microsoft".
For instance "Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac" is in "Software > Apple", whilst "Microsoft Office 2019 for Windows/Mac" is in "Software > Microsoft". Creating "See also" links between these categories would avoid the visitor missing some product.

In the second example, linking the color printer together with the category containing different color cartridges would be easier than creating relation with the different products.

In the third example they may be many different accessories (power supplies, sleeves, ...) for a family of notebooks.

Thank you OneMore.

As far as I remember, you can assign categories to multiple parent categories.
Meaning single category can belong to any other category.
Does this solve what you suggest?

linking the color printer to the category containing various color cartridges would be more straightforward


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