Shopping Cart Operations > Template Support
BootStrap5 Missing CONTINUE button for account registration
I need help with the bootstrap5 template.
I want to use this templet but the CONTINUE button is missing in the account registration page and my customers cannot register.
when I switch the templet to another templet or the default templet, the CONTINUE button appears and my customers can register.
I want to use the BootStrap5 templet.
Has anybody figured out how to fix this or can guide me on how to fix it?
Any help will be appreciated and thank you for reading!
Have you tried completing the areas that need to be selected? The newsletter yes/no, and the reCaptcha?
If you have and settings that require a checkmark like I have read the Privacy etc. Those have to be selected. As soon as ALL the requirements are met you will see the continue button.
Thank you for reply.
Yes, even after you input all the info including newsletter and recaptch, it still does not show up.
I saw another post that said that there might be a java script error.
Perhaps you have adjusted something, but I just went to your site and I see the continue button, see my screen shot of a few moments ago.
Yes! Thank you for Checking :D
I had someone fix it for me :D
But now I have another problem :( Now when I log in and click on a product it says "please login" even though I am already logged in :(
Any suggestions on fixing new problem?
Thanks in advance
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