Shopping Cart Operations > Support

Model Number search not working V 1.3.4

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Using V 1.3.4 when I do a Search for a model number that exists on several parts I get "There is no product that matches the search criteria." so I then check the "Search in product model " box and hit the search button it still does not find the model number that was entered.

I'm running on another site V 1.3.1 and the function works just fine and finds all product with that model number.

How can I fix this?


Here's a screenshot showing an item with a model number of BBIN20.
Then a screenshot of the search for that model number with the search in product model checkbox ticked and no products listed.

1.3.5 branch was a fixes for similar issue you can check the code commit here

1.3.5 branch has fixed this error. Thanks for your update Basara.

I started migrating one of my sites to my first AbanteCart store a few days ago and noticed the same issue. Am I understanding this correctly that I should wait for version 1.3.5 to be released and then upgrade to 1.3.5 to get the model number search function working?


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