eCommerce construction > Installation and Configuration

Customers can not register an account issue

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Sweet Pea:
Hi all,

Hope someone can help out with this one. I had a few customers register an account for the first few weeks with no issues. Last week the CONTINUE button seems to have disappeared from the register an account page. I have tried it myself with filling all of the must have items and selected both yes and no to the newsletter.

I also have had a couple of US based customers say that the site has an issue with their phone number

I am using BOOTSTRAP5 for the layout on the most recent version of AbanteCart. I added the reCAPTCHA today hoping it might work with no luck. I don't remember changing any settings that would make this happen

Any suggestions are most welcome
Thanks in advance

Do you have any other extensions like page builder or anything that affects the storefront? What is the URL of your site, and have you checked the page for any JS errors in the browser console?

Please try to change the Phone Validation Regex Pattern setting in System → Settings → Checkout to
--- Code: ---/(.*?)/
--- End code ---

Also you can try with enabled browser developer tools. See Console tab for js-errors.
Please let us know about result.

Sweet Pea:
Hi there,

Thank you for the ideas so far. I am just about to see what I find out.

My site is at



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