Shopping Cart Operations > Tips and Tricks

Options for products


I want to make some alterations to some of the options offered in the product page setup, like the radio buttons, etc. But where, oh where are the codes for the options? In what section where the cart is installed?


--- Quote from: laura458 on March 12, 2024, 02:40:19 PM ---I want to make some alterations to some of the options offered in the product page setup, like the radio buttons, etc. But where, oh where are the codes for the options? In what section where the cart is installed?

--- End quote ---

please clarify what is the aim.

In the products/options where you can choose file etc. so customers can upload image or text for personalized items, I would like to know where the codes are for those inputs to tweek if I can.
Also, if a customer can upload images, what is the path where the images are stored on the server to delete them after a certain amount of time passes so as not to keep them on the server forever?
Thank you for reaching out, I appreciate it and love this ecommerce program!  :)


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