eCommerce construction > Installation and Configuration
Unable to Play any Videos
I bought this web site theme called Marceto
The developer @natani claims AbanteCart Cart does support any Video uploads and play. Which is not true to my knowledge.
His reply, "AbanteCart does not have a feature to display uploaded video files because most browsers only support a few video formats."
This makes no sense to me.
Any suggestions?
The developer doesn't seem to provide detailed answers. Its very difficult to get detailed answers out of him.
I have tried many ways but have not found a way to upload the videos. If you have successfully uploaded I would love to know how you did this.
Nuno Neff:
This is something I've always said Abantecart lacks: simplifying the uploading and playback of videos.
I once uploaded videos from youtube, for example, but it wasn't responsive in mobile mode, so I gave up uploading videos to my site.
For example, on most other competitor carts, uploading videos is simple and effective and responsive.
I hope it will be implemented in the next version.
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