Shopping Cart Operations > Template Support

All Categories Slides on V1.4.0

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G. O.:

I don't know if only me I have this issue or other people too but we need to know how to solve this problem.
in my website I can see only some old categories listed in (All Categories slides section) and confused about the rest of my other Categories and subcategories why they are not showing in the new version in (All Categories slides section).

in the screenshot as i show you the problem and oldest categories items which should be in normal situation listed as usual. 

I believe the menu will only display a category if it contains products

G. O.:

--- Quote from: Basara on August 15, 2024, 09:04:09 AM ---Hello,
I believe the menu will only display a category if it contains products

--- End quote ---

ok, understood you. what is the size and format of the icon pictures which could be used in this field???

G. O.:
I noticed that when you scrolling the mouse to All Categories point it is dropping down and expanding, but when you scrolling down with the mouse to the contain inside the dropped down box it box is disappearing. Can we say it is a Bug should be reported ???


--- Quote from: G. O. on November 28, 2024, 04:47:30 AM ---I noticed that when you scrolling the mouse to All Categories point it is dropping down and expanding, but when you scrolling down with the mouse to the contain inside the dropped down box it box is disappearing. Can we say it is a Bug should be reported ???

--- End quote ---

Hello. What did you mean "scrolling the mouse to the All Categories point", try instead moving the mouse cursor to All Categories"


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