Shopping Cart Operations > Template Support
Contact Us Form on V. 1.4.0
G. O.:
Again after testing Contact Us Form on V. 1.4.0 and trying many ways to activate Google reCAPTCHA v3 on new version it is not sending as in the previous versions?
How to solve this issue guys and AbanteCart Team?
This can be a config issue like domain mismatch or invalid API keys or if the user’s IP is blocked or flagged by Google for suspicious activity, reCAPTCHA might fail to work for that user.
G. O.:
--- Quote from: Basara on August 29, 2024, 02:09:30 AM ---Hello.
This can be a config issue like domain mismatch or invalid API keys or if the user’s IP is blocked or flagged by Google for suspicious activity, reCAPTCHA might fail to work for that user.
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since you posted your comment I'm trying all options but finally I decided to use the virtual AbanteCart reCAPTCHA and that's also doesn't worked so regarding this issue, how to fix it?
what is "virtual AbanteCart reCAPTCHA"? Do you have related errors in the AbanteCart error log?
G. O.:
--- Quote from: Basara on September 02, 2024, 04:10:30 AM ---Hello.
what is "virtual AbanteCart reCAPTCHA"? Do you have related errors in the AbanteCart error log?
--- End quote ---
i used the google v3 reCAPTCHA and it doesn't worked then i used the AbanteCart which appearing in the screenshot and also it doesn't worked and the form if only without reCAPTCHA could be working and sending. there is no error log at all how to fix it please?
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