Shopping Cart Operations > Support

Errors after updating help

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Hello group. After updating abantcart I have been experiencing problems.

*When opening some of the articles I get the following error image
as sometimes it opens but does not reload.

*The bottom part of the page also appears disorganized

The first photo I attached is of the error in the article and the second of what I get disorganized. As well as the bottom part of the banner that was above where

Help me with the testimonials section. It no longer has the rotating effect that it had before. All the text appears placed there as if it were a paragraph.

Please check your AbanteCart error log for last errors

Hi, I've solved the problem. The thing is the following. I was looking at the Abantcart demo and the design is perfect, but mine is not right. For example, the testimonials are all disorganized, and the About Us section is also disorganized. I haven't been able to place the banner because it's all out of place. Everything happened since I updated it. Everything was great before the update.

Nuno Neff:
Yes this new version is buggy, i went back to 1.3.4.

try clearing your browser cache and check if all your plugins are compatible with the new version


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