Shopping Cart Operations > Support

Task 'Stuck'

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I exported the product description CSV (as per the manual) to add an action column to add the action 'delete' on many of the products.  When I import this CSV and run the import it says 'running' for several hours and then lands on 'stuck'. This cycle just plays around and around in a loop where nothing is getting updated.

I cannot find any manuals on what to do if my import is 'stuck' under tasks. Import Wizard does not alert me to any issues with my CSV.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

What is your AbanteCart version? Check for the latest errors in the AbanteCart error log.

The version is 1.3.3 and the error log is showing nothing recent.

Please attache the CSV here

Hmmm... this seems to not allow me to post with an attachment. Keeps telling me to read the rules and sends me to start a new post.

Here is an image of the CSV. I also tried messaging you directly and it wouldn't allow me to add an attachment.


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