Shopping Cart Operations > Support

Ayuda para colocar logo whatsapp flotante


How do I add a floating WhatsApp button to my page. I have the code that I should paste in INDEX.HTML but I don't know where I should paste it correctly since the index.html that I am editing, which would be the main one on my website, gives me an error. someone help me where to paste it

los codigos a pegar serian los siguientes

--- Quote ---  <link rel="stylesheet" href="storefront/style.css">



  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<a href=", me gustaria Obtener más información" class="float" target="_blank">
<i class="fa fa-whatsapp my-float "></i>


--- End quote ---

Create HTML block and add it to the layouts

I haven't been able to do it. You help me by collaborating with me exactly how I do it. Give me the code that I have to enter since the one I have doesn't work for me. Please help me do it. step by step


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