eCommerce construction > How-to questions

Stripe Extension - Link Autofill


I'm using Abantecart 1.3.4
An setting up Stripe payments, currently in test mode. On the settings in the Stripe account I have disabled the link registration in both test & live modes but it is still showing on my Abantecart payment page (see screenshot). Stripe Support have advised me that their settings are being overridden by Abantecart. I can't find any relevant setting in Abantecart to change this. Is there any other way of disabling link within Abantecart, perhaps by editing a file?
Most of my customers are the older generation so often nervous about online payments so I need to keep all pages as clean & uncluttered as possible, without unnecessary links or options.
The card details shown in the image are provided by Stripe for testing, not a live card!

Stripe extension is version 1.3.3

"Link" is a payment method.
AbanteCart Stripe Extension does not regulating payment methods. It's just displaying what stripe.js library returns.
I guess you should to check all your enabled payment method inside of your stripe account and try to turn off not needed

Thanks abolabo.
I thought it quite unlikely that AbanteCart would have any control, comments I've since found in paymentLink.php also suggests that. I know what Link is, it's switch off but still shows. Stripes' claims sounded a lot like buck passing. It was just easier for them to pass the blame rather than actually fix their problem.
I may just use Paypal for cards, not the cheapest but I'm getting to dislike Paypal less than all the others. They have been the least troublesome amongst all the payment providers & marketplaces that I've used over the last 20 years.


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