
Author Topic: Allow us to define the SEO space separator  (Read 11437 times)

Offline Palamedes

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Allow us to define the SEO space separator
« on: March 07, 2012, 12:09:14 PM »
When an admin creates a category or product and they don't enter an SEO string you guys autogenerate one from the title and replace spaces with underscores.   Allow me to define that.  I should be allowed to use dashes, underscores or no spaces at all.  All are valid in the SEO world and each person has their preferences.. (I prefer dashes)

Note:  Right now if I enter  Test " Foo & Bar as my SEO string for something it converts to this;

That's broken.  It should lower case it, convert the spaces to the users choice of dash, underscore or nothing, and strip all characters ^[a-zA-Z0-9]

Offline Basara

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Re: Allow us to define the SEO space separator
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2012, 07:46:09 AM »
When an admin creates a category or product and they don't enter an SEO string you guys autogenerate one from the title and replace spaces with underscores.   Allow me to define that.  I should be allowed to use dashes, underscores or no spaces at all.  All are valid in the SEO world and each person has their preferences.. (I prefer dashes)

Note:  Right now if I enter  Test " Foo & Bar as my SEO string for something it converts to this;

That's broken.  It should lower case it, convert the spaces to the users choice of dash, underscore or nothing, and strip all characters ^[a-zA-Z0-9]

What version of AbanteCart do you use?
I am just check 0.9.2 version and when create product with "Foo & Bar" product name abantecart create seo keyword "foo_&_bar", it is lowercase and more SEO friendly :)

Offline Palamedes

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Re: Allow us to define the SEO space separator
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2012, 08:03:10 AM »
In general URIs as defined by RFC 3986 may contain any of the following characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -, ., _, ~, :, /, ?, #, [, ], @, !, $, &, ', (, ), *, +, ,, ; and =. Any other character needs to be encoded with the percent-encoding (%hh). Each part of the URI has further restrictions about what characters need to be represented by an percent-encoded word.

However that list above doesn't define where in the URI those characters may reside.  You can't have all of them just anywhere..  Some of those characters are reserved for a specific purpose.

If you research you will find that characters that are allowed in a URI but do not have a reserved purpose are called unreserved. These include uppercase and lowercase letters, decimal digits, hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde.. These are the only characters you should use to create the ending SEO string.

Offline Jone

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Re: Allow us to define the SEO space separator
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2012, 09:07:22 PM »
I encountered the same problem, would you please develop a extension to resolve the problem.

for example i input a product named thinkpad computer x32 which is under the category thinkpad, the seo friendly url will be built automatic  /thinkpad/thinkpad-computer-x32.html

that will be very nice to seo.

Best wishes.


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