PayPal Technical Support never got back to me, and I couldn't log into their tech web site - kept kicking me out.
Since AbanteCart doesn't support PayFlow (which I use) and that First Class Package is not supported yet, AbanteCart is a dead end for me. I've gotten into Shopify with their free trial, and I'm surprised - I sort of like it. It's completely managed - everything works (yeah). The rates are even lower than PayFlow-Evalon (which is what I used to use), and I don't have to worry about a gateway and a processor; they do both - and even PayPal - and it all works instead of me having to post 5-6 emails about "why doesn't this work?"
No more PCI Compliance surveys and extra charges. Plus, again, PayFlow is owned by PayPal and it's nice to not have to send PayPal any money anymore. I hope all you people know that PayPal is simply a Brussels-based international bank that doesn't have to abide by the business- and customer- regulations that US banks have to abide by.
I really like DIY, but it's got to end somewhere. It's disappointing to download stuff that either doesn't work or is incomplete out of the box. AbanteCart looks a lot better than osCommerce, which is true torture for just about everyone and anyone. I used it for about a decade, and only because once I got it working (and almost died trying), it worked for many years as long as I didn't touch it. Two weeks ago my hoster updated their PHP and gave my osCommerce install a deathblow, so I've tried some other open-source carts and it's just memories of osCommerce hell. Shopify seems to work really well and truthfully, they can have all the hassles. I don't want them anymore.