AbanteCart Development > Languages and Zones

Why language files are xml?

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In OpenCart, they are many language editors as extensions which do the same thing on flat files. Faster speed access and no dependant of a DB crash.

Important: Use an external XML validator or parser when you write language files. The smallest error in an XML file (missing tag <definition> or </definition>, missing closing [!CDATA[ ]], syntax error, typo, ...) stops the php parser and the rest of file is ignored and you dont see it. Extremly long to check.


--- Quote from: gob33 on May 18, 2014, 11:51:31 AM ---Important: Use an external XML validator or parser when you write language files. The smallest error in an XML file (missing tag <definition> or </definition>, missing closing [!CDATA[ ]], syntax error, typo, ...) stops the php parser and the rest of file is ignored and you dont see it. Extremly long to check.

--- End quote ---
Great point. Thanks


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