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Copyright notice removal license

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Just installed that into my dev site - as first I thought it was not as full-featured as I had hoped.   I wanted to be able to have links.  The direction of Text caused me to think I could not use links.   However,  with testing I find can use HTML to add links, etc.  So all is good now.

Only caution would be that it you invoke this (turn it ON) you will need to have something in every field or make it blank.  ON impacts all the areas, Admin footer,  Store footer, email footer.

But for 10.00 bucks it's easier than having to find the code every time there is an update!


can i use it on my local site and then upload it to main website? The  whitelabel extension

Yes. Extensions license are for single live store installation.

dear opensource coder friens  Powered by AbanteChart  removal is possible in
file storefront/controller/common/footer.php
at the bottom
change line
      $this->data['text_project_label'] = $this->language->get('text_powered_by') . '  'project_base() ;
      $this->data['text_project_label'] = $this->language->get('text_powered_by') . ' <a href=>Dahili Net</a> ';

original  name and url crypted in function

function project_base() {
   $base = 'PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5hYmFudGVjYXJ0LmNvbSIgb25jbGljaz0id2luZG93Lm9wZW4odGhpcy5ocmVm';
   $base .= 'KTtyZXR1cm4gZmFsc2U7IiB0aXRsZT0iSWRlYWwgT3BlblNvdXJjZSBFLWNvbW1lcmNlIFNvbHV0aW9uIj5BYmFudGVDYXJ0PC9hPg==';
   return base64_decode($base);



--- Code: ---[quote author=dahili link=topic=134.msg10662#msg10662 date=1405976438]
dear opensource coder friens  Powered by AbanteChart  removal is possible in
file storefront/controller/common/footer.php
at the bottom
change line
$this->data['text_project_label'] = $this->language->get('text_powered_by') . '  'project_base() ;
$this->data['text_project_label'] = $this->language->get('text_powered_by') . ' <a href=>Dahili Net</a> ';

original  name and url crypted in function

function project_base() {
$base = 'PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5hYmFudGVjYXJ0LmNvbSIgb25jbGljaz0id2luZG93Lm9wZW4odGhpcy5ocmVm';
$base .= 'KTtyZXR1cm4gZmFsc2U7IiB0aXRsZT0iSWRlYWwgT3BlblNvdXJjZSBFLWNvbW1lcmNlIFNvbHV0aW9uIj5BYmFudGVDYXJ0PC9hPg==';
return base64_decode($base);

--- End code ---

Done finally Thanks :)
Now i have to remove my website name there as it is now duplicated. :D


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