eCommerce construction > Templates

Illustrated guide for custom AbanteCart template development

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Doesn't work for me.  I followed the steps, put the developer directory under extensions, went to the admin panel and installed the extension.  All of that worked fine, the extension says it is installed but I don't see the interface anywhere.  I do not get another tab under System (or anywhere else)  like it says in the documentation above. I'm using v1.1.7

devtools installed and enabled?

Yes I installed the devtools as per the instructions.  That is I put the developer_tools folder in the extensions folder, went to extension manager and clicked on the button to install it.  I then enabled it so the little switch shows as On. Shows as installed and activated in extension manager but no develop tab anywhere to be seen

It says in the instructions above - "Now you will see new tab "Extension Developer Tools" in the system section" - not for me.

Now working after removing and re-installing.  But functionality looks very limited.  After creating a new template all items are greyed out except for Languages and Other (under the Hooks section).

What do you like "Extension Developer Tools" to do? Feel free to develop and add features to it.


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