
Author Topic: Paypal standard extension checkout summary currency setting  (Read 21877 times)

Offline webdevmerc

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Re: Paypal standard extension checkout summary currency setting
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2015, 07:28:24 AM »
This will be my last comment on this topic to not waste my time or get into a long drawn out debate about this, but I don't think it's as easy as you put it or someone else would do this and be already done with it.  Either the developer or a user of this cart.

As it has to do with payments, any screw up means major problems or complaints for users of this as well as the developers themselves.  I don't specifically code in large ways, but having worked in tech long enough and having written simple code for various tasks, once you take on one thing, the time and requirements tend to expand and it's not as easy to do or maintain.  This is clear when you see older extensions not instantly updated quickly (one reason I tend to try to do my own thing) or video games or apps which tend to lose developer support over time.  It's a lot of work.

You also have the responsibility to maintain it which for most developers, is very time consuming not to mention testing of said code.  I'm guessing the developers also don't work or have expertise in that area which now requires MORE resources (namely time) to research what issue you are talking about to begin with (since it doesn't affect them or their environment specifically).  When a new upgrade comes around, it's also likely to break whatever you made.  Time is money and if you aren't willing to contribute to it, don't be upset if no one wants to waste their own time putting a solution for something they aren't using and you aren't even willing to contribute to neither.

I don't think the community is dismissive of new suggestions and most users try to be helpful if they post specifically voices out what I'm sure many others think that the rude requests and attitude of "Do this or I'm leaving and your cart sucks" messages don't help your case.  Having tried and looking at other carts, this one (to me), is certainly one of the better ones out there in terms of look and feel and general admin use.  The lack of responses maybe simply due to it being TOO easy to use and that most users aren't heavily technical since they run their own sites fine.

E-commerce in India will definitely boom at some point and when that happens, due to simple greed of people, a platform or solution will eventually be made (most probably by an Indian developer who is more familiar with the countries requirements)...You can also contract at places like elance for custom solutions.

The idea of not wanting to fund anything to "benefit the Abantecart" community just shows your own lack of desire to fix your own issue.
Fund it to help yourself.  If the cart can't do it, then move on as you state, there are other carts which maybe a better fit.  I had this problem in the past as well with factional quantities (most carts can't handle this) so either code it or find one which can do maybe 80% of what you need and live with the positives and negatives of any solution.

Good luck!

Offline svsanchez

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Re: Paypal standard extension checkout summary currency setting
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2015, 07:01:21 PM »
Hello webdevmerc, I too don't want to waste my time in a debate about this, as I said before I don't use AbanteCart and was pointing to what I believe would be an easy fix for a problem many users around the world will have. If this is not something the developers want to address then I'm not the one who will fund it as I don't use the cart. However, I do think that you said something that shows why the fix should be in the developers hands:

"When a new upgrade comes around, it's also likely to break whatever you made."

I already made my contribution to this community in the idea I gave which is the one I used to fix this same problem with the cart I currently use. I'm sorry if this is something too difficult to do with your cart.

Good luck to you too!


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