Author Topic: Shipping per additional item  (Read 30167 times)


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Shipping per additional item
« on: August 25, 2013, 11:48:07 PM »
I'm setting up my first AbanteCart to sell t-shirts.  Shipping/mailing is a flat rate of $x for the first shirt, then $x for each additional shirt.  I don't see how to set this up in the Documentation / User Manual, or here in the forum.  How do I set this up?

Offline abantecart

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Re: Shipping per additional item
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2013, 08:37:44 AM »
You can use Fixed Shipping Price in the product together with Per Item shipping method
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Re: Shipping per additional item
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2013, 02:37:17 PM »
You can use Fixed Shipping Price in the product together with Per Item shipping method

That's good to know, and a relief.  I hope I'm able to figure out how to combine them.  If I am, I'll report back.

Please add this information, and how to do it, to the Documentation / User Manual.

All The Best!



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Re: Shipping per additional item
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2013, 03:40:29 PM »
You can use Fixed Shipping Price in the product together with Per Item shipping method

I can't see how to do this, to use both shipping methods.  My shipping/mailing is a flat rate of $x for the first shirt, then $x for each additional shirt.  How do I do this?

Thank you


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Re: Shipping per additional item
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2013, 12:44:05 AM »
Help! I can't open my t-shirt store and shopping cart until I can set up shipping/mailing to be:

$6 for the first shirt.
$2 for each additional shirt.

How do I do this?

No matter what I try, I still get this result for testing an order of 2 shirts, and BOTH "Shipping Methods" are wrong. They BOTH show $6 x 2 shirts = $12 for shipping.

Also, customers DO NOT have a choice of how their order is shipped. I only ship/mail via USPS for $6 for the first shirt, and $2 for each additional shirt.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2013, 02:59:20 AM by TopWebNames »

Offline Basara

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Re: Shipping per additional item
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2013, 09:26:34 AM »
Help! I can't open my t-shirt store and shopping cart until I can set up shipping/mailing to be:
Can You please to be more detailed? What do you mean 'can't open'? Did You see some error or blank page? Do you have any errors in errorlog file?

No matter what I try, I still get this result for testing an order of 2 shirts, and BOTH "Shipping Methods" are wrong. They BOTH show $6 x 2 shirts = $12 for shipping.
Please provide all settings shipping related in product and in shipping extension


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Re: Shipping per additional item
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2013, 12:45:36 PM »
Help! I can't open my t-shirt store and shopping cart until I can set up shipping/mailing to be:
Can You please to be more detailed? What do you mean 'can't open'? Did You see some error or blank page? Do you have any errors in errorlog file?

No matter what I try, I still get this result for testing an order of 2 shirts, and BOTH "Shipping Methods" are wrong. They BOTH show $6 x 2 shirts = $12 for shipping.
Please provide all settings shipping related in product and in shipping extension

1 - Ooops... I should have used different words. It didn't occur to me that it could mean that there's a problem with "opening" my AbanteCart. My AbanteCart is "opening" and functioning properly, I meant that I can't make my store public, like a "Grand Opening" of a new physical store in town. I can't make my store public until I'm able to charge shipping costs to customers properly, and a few other problems regarding the customer experience.

2 - Yes, I will provide/post all this information later today. Thank you.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2013, 12:48:13 PM by TopWebNames »


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Re: Shipping per additional item
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2013, 03:35:21 PM »
Here are the settings in my cart related to Shipping:

Shipping settings on System > Settings > Checkout page:
Use Shipping Session:  OFF
Shipping and Tax Estimate:  OFF

On all 7 of my Product pages:
Requires Shipping:  ON
Ship Product Individually:  OFF
Free Shipping:  OFF
Fixed Shipping Price:  0.00 *
*I changed the "Fixed Shipping Price" on all my t-shirt product pages to $0.00 because the $6 shipping was being added for EACH and EVERY t-shirt ordered when I tested it, and it doesn't look like AbanteCart is set up for the very common shipping policy of $x.xx for the first item, plus $x.xx for each additional item. You should really add this as soon as possible.

I also don't see a way of setting one flat rate for one cost for shipping all products together that are in the same order. This is very common, too, and should also be added as soon as possible.

"Flat Rate" was set to $6.00.  I just changed it to $0.00, and turned it off.
"Per Item" was also set to $6.00.  I just changed it to $0.00, and turned it off also.

1 - If possible, what setting(s) should I use to be able to charge $6.00 shipping for the first t-shirt ordered, then $2.00 for each additional t-shirt ordered on the same order?

2 - If #1 isn't possible, what setting(s) should I use to be able to charge ONLY $6.00 shipping PER ORDER, for everything ordered?

Thank you

PS: If neither one of these very common forms of charging for shipping are possible with AbanteCart as it is now, I very strongly recommend that you add both of them as soon as possible, and that you promote these two types of shipping on the Features page of your website, with very good SEO keywords. My guess is that A LOT of people don't use AbanteCart because these two types of charging for shipping aren't available. When I realized that I might not be able to do this with my AbanteCart store & shopping cart, I checked several of the other Open Source, free shopping carts. Amazingly, I couldn't find one that advertises that these are some of the features. I only found these methods of charging for shipping with many of the paid shopping carts. It's so important to me, and quite possibly many other sellers, that I would consider paying for a store and cart to have them.  I'm saying this from my experience in direct mail and internet business all my life, and as general manager of a high quality manufacturing company in Southern California for 16 years. We offered BOTH methods of charging for shipping to our dealers and retail customers for different products.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2013, 06:19:28 PM by TopWebNames »

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Re: Shipping per additional item
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2013, 12:12:30 PM »
it doesn't look like AbanteCart is set up for the very common shipping policy of $x.xx for the first item, plus $x.xx for each additional item.
I do not agree 100% that this is common shipping policy. This is actually confusing for customers.
But, I agree that we need more flexible setting for shipping. We consider to create rule based shipping method in the future.

1 - If possible, what setting(s) should I use to be able to charge $6.00 shipping for the first t-shirt ordered, then $2.00 for each additional t-shirt ordered on the same order?
This is currently not possible with basic settings.

2 - If #1 isn't possible, what setting(s) should I use to be able to charge ONLY $6.00 shipping PER ORDER, for everything ordered?
or different products.
This is how flat rate shipping is working. You set cost to whole order in Flat Rate shipping.
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Re: Shipping per additional item
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2013, 02:56:12 PM »
it doesn't look like AbanteCart is set up for the very common shipping policy of $x.xx for the first item, plus $x.xx for each additional item.
I do not agree 100% that this is common shipping policy. This is actually confusing for customers.
But, I agree that we need more flexible setting for shipping. We consider to create rule based shipping method in the future.

1 - If possible, what setting(s) should I use to be able to charge $6.00 shipping for the first t-shirt ordered, then $2.00 for each additional t-shirt ordered on the same order?
This is currently not possible with basic settings.

2 - If #1 isn't possible, what setting(s) should I use to be able to charge ONLY $6.00 shipping PER ORDER, for everything ordered?
or different products.
This is how flat rate shipping is working. You set cost to whole order in Flat Rate shipping.

Hi. Perhaps you don't agree 100% that #1 is a common shipping method because you may not have much experience actually in business selling products to customers. I'm retired now. I've been in business in the USA since my first mail order ads ran in magazines when I was 14. I was general manager of a gift industry company for 16 years, and this was our main shipping method. If you charge the same amount for each additional item that's being shipped together in the same package (known as "combined shipping"), then the customer will be unhappy that they had to pay so much more than it actually costs to ship/mail their order. If you charge a flat rate for everything that a customer buys in the same order, then you lose money as the package keeps weighing more and more, and costs more and more to ship or mail. It doesn't cost the same amount more for each item that the customer buys that goes into the same box... it only costs a smaller amount for each additional item. A VERY good indication that this is VERY common is that eBay offers it as a shipping option.

Yes, I discovered that "Flat Shipping Rate" works by itself for #2... AFTER I didn't do as you suggested in your first reply. You advised, "You can use Fixed Shipping Price in the product together with Per Item shipping method". As you can see by my earlier screen capture, for some reason doing what you wrote made both "Per Item Shipping Rate" AND "Flat Shipping Rate" show $12, instead of $6 + $2 = $8 for "Per Item Shipping Rate", or only $6 for "Flat Shipping Rate". When I turned OFF "Per Item Shipping Rate" and used only "Flat Shipping Rate" by itself, it then worked as it's supposed to and now shows only $6.

However, as customers order more t-shirts, mailing will cost me more and more. So, I've decided... for now only... so that I can hopefully make my t-shirt store and shopping cart public for customers to order, to charge $7 Flat Shipping Rate per order, and consider the additional that it will cost me to mail more t-shirts to customers to be a bonus discount for them for ordering more t-shirts. In the meantime, I hope that you add this shipping method, or maybe AlgoZone, creates an extension for doing this.

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Re: Shipping per additional item
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2013, 05:21:17 PM »
Hi, I have been following this and am wondering..what about weight beased shipping? is it like flat rate shipping where it an amount that is added for each item, or does it calculate the entire weight of all items in the shoppng cart before giving the amount for shipping? If it is entire amount at the end, would that work for now for your multiple shirt orders? I am looking into it as well for my store.
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Re: Shipping per additional item
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2013, 05:50:50 PM »
Hi, I have been following this and am wondering..what about weight beased shipping? is it like flat rate shipping where it an amount that is added for each item, or does it calculate the entire weight of all items in the shoppng cart before giving the amount for shipping? If it is entire amount at the end, would that work for now for your multiple shirt orders? I am looking into it as well for my store.

Hi again, artist3412. Thanks for chiming in. No. Weight based shipping will work for things that are all the same, or different things that are all the same. T-shirts can be size XS to XXXXL and vary in weight a lot. The proper way to do it would be by weight, but it would be soooo much work weighing each size, then having to have an additional Option with all the different weights. I lose money on shipping/mailing at $6 for the first shirt and $2 for each additional shirt when someone orders even XXL's, but so few extra big shirts have been ordered that it's not worth the work.

I REALLY hope that AbanteCart adds this as an option, or that someone makes an extension to add it, coz I really need it. I'm sure that you and I aren't the only ones who would welcome it, and use it. I'm disappointed that more AbanteCart users haven't spoken up.

Thanks again!

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Re: Shipping per additional item
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2013, 12:42:06 PM »

1 - If possible, what setting(s) should I use to be able to charge $6.00 shipping for the first t-shirt ordered, then $2.00 for each additional t-shirt ordered on the same order?

2 - If #1 isn't possible, what setting(s) should I use to be able to charge ONLY $6.00 shipping PER ORDER, for everything ordered?

we plan to do extension for that special shipment condition...
but now you can look on "flexy promotion" extension as quick solution. There can be rules set for product count in order and order/shipping discount for it.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2013, 04:15:50 PM by abantecart »
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Re: Shipping per additional item
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2013, 12:33:45 PM »
Hello, I was wondering if this has been added and if so where to find it.  I also need this shipping format.  2.50 for the first item, 1.00 for each additional. 

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Re: Shipping per additional item
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2013, 07:52:41 PM »
Hi I just came upon this discussion....just a want to achieve $6 for the first shirt and $2 additional....try $2 for the fixed rate for all products and a flat rate shipping fee of $4...this should achieve what you wanted....

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