AbanteCart Development > Extensions and Add-Ons

Customizing an extension page: create tabs

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I would like to know if it is possible to use JQuery UI tabs on an extension edit page ?
The purpose is to split extension infos on many tabs (general, settings, about, ...) on the same page.

Today "extensions_edit.tpl" is the template inside AbanteCart which displays the basic settings, the other settings are set with an "Additionnal' button on a new page (custom .tpl and controller).

Is it possible for a developper to modify/extend "extensions_edit.tpl" ?
Or does the extension edit page is fixed and always in the same table format for all AbanteCart extensions ?

Technically it is possible. Do you suggest this for core extension settings interface?

Say that it is more convenient way to have multiple tabs on the page of an extension than opening new window(s). And I do not see how I can work around "extensions_edit.tpl" as it is written and part of the admin. Each dev who writes an extension should have full control of how to show and present its diverse settings (tabs, accordion,...) on the edit page.

You can override the edit page. Check how it is done in PayPal extensions on version 1.1.7. Extension admin page is completely overridden by extension.

See set up in config and main of extension:

--- Code: ---        <custom_settings_template>pages/extension/default_pp_standart_settings.tpl</custom_settings_template>

--- End code ---

--- Code: ---$templates = array(
    'storefront' => array(
            'responses/default_pp_standart.tpl' ),
    'admin' => array(

--- End code ---

And template:

If you manage tab approach, please share. We consider improving it on core level.

eCommerce Core:
gob33. I wonder if this worked for you


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