AbanteCart Development > Extensions and Add-Ons

Canot install new language

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Hello, i am new here and i have question, i try to add my own finnish language abanteCard and that admin language work fine but not that language what is there
storefront i upload that ftp but not chabge when i chage that my site and when i try to install that there admin panel and Extensions/Install extensions/Extensions upload
when i try to do that there not work i get error message  Error: Can't find config-file package.xml inside package. Probably package is broken. Structure of package error.

so what i can do so that work my own language?


eCommerce Core:
Possibly this will help:

I have done translation in my own language admin panel
but now I should be transferred to the computer language
but I dont found a place where it could make, so can someone tell me how i can get a move language of the admin panel to computer?

If you translate in admin control panel there is nor way to create XML files from that. This is a dynamic content now. You can only back up language database.


--- Quote from: abantecart on January 18, 2014, 11:59:18 AM ---If you translate in admin control panel there is nor way to create XML files from that. This is a dynamic content now. You can only back up language database.

--- End quote ---

Okay but when i try add my language then not work i dont know what to do then.


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