AbanteCart Development > Languages and Zones

Hebrew language and RTL


hi i want to help with hebrew translations and rtl templates
where i can do it?

Do you want to help us or you need help?

Bcz AbanteCart uses some strange way of storing language strings, u should use the bugged build-in Translation tool and to backup your work daily.
If was in INI or GNU Gettext POT files, can be done with Transifex....

and on to current topic, the cart otherwise is better then most, just wondering who mind**** decided to use XML without to check rest alternatives ? did u asked yourself - will we go for multi-lingual support ? even OpenCart which looks like base for this one, uses better way for handling language files....

eCommerce Core:
Open cart variable based translation is better than XML? Are you sure? XML is universal format. Any other formats can be converted to and from XML
How do you convert open cart files with variables?

Possibly some other formats are better and we can always make a decision to convert all XML language files to better format.

Open for discussion.

i want to help with translation :)


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