AbanteCart Development > Extensions and Add-Ons
New payment option; Free Checkout for $0.00 items
Hello, wondering if this is available now or in the works;
New payment option; Free Checkout for $0.00 items which then marks the ordered item as complete for immediate download.
eCommerce Core:
Yes this is currently possible. Order with 0 total and no shipping cost will require no shipping and no payment.
You can set default order status to completed in settings.
NOTE: If you need free download you can set up download to before order or immediate. This is in v 1.1.8
I am a noob so I will apologize upfront. I cannot get the zero balance to work. I have it set as I should but cannot get to the final completed page on check out. I don't know what I am doing wrong here. I don't know if this makes a difference or not but I am clicking on the store front link on the cart admin as I do not have my cart set up to launch on my URL.
Thank you for any help in this.
I am also not being given a coupon option even though it is suppose to be showing & I have it enabled. I don't want to do too much work on this if for some reason it is not going to work or I will have to have it reinstalled. I am sure it is something simple I am missing but I have been working on this all day & cannot figure it out. HELP! THANKS :-)
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