Hey Gordon, what's the source of your information? In particular your note about NY taxes and how to remit?
The information I have does not support that:
Washington State is a destination sales tax ruling that has been in place since 2008 BUT it effects only WA based retailers shipping to destinations within WA state. You can confirm this here:
http://dor.wa.gov/Content/FindTaxesAndRates/RetailSalesTax/DestinationBased/MoreSST.aspxNY has a different set of rules - they want every shipment coming INTO NY from any place to collect sales tax based on the destination and remit it directly to NY. They also want every seller to have a sale tax license. This is an unenforceable rule and will only be required of large businesses who sell enough to make recovery profitable to the state
This is further compounded in that WA is part of the Streamlined Sales Tax program, NY is NOT. By not being part of the SST pact, NY requires direct remittance at this time.
You can confirm who is and who is not here:
http://www.streamlinedsalestax.org/I applaud your intent to keep us up on important issues, but correctness is also an important part of information.