Shopping Cart Operations > Security

HELP customers clicking account tab opens other customers screen

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Hi, The first day we went live with AbanteCart cart we discovered that when someone was logged in the next customer to click the account tab went straight to the account page of the customer already logged access to personal details ect. We discovered this when we were setting up the store and testing but thought it was just on computers on our network, until a customer alerted us that it was not just out network......we took AbanteCart cart down quickly. I had installed some extensions so I disabled these and tested again with the same result. Help please!


--- Quote from: rosarymau on May 21, 2014, 08:36:49 AM ---Hi, The first day we went live with AbanteCart cart we discovered that when someone was logged in the next customer to click the account tab went straight to the account page of the customer already logged access to personal details ect. We discovered this when we were setting up the store and testing but thought it was just on computers on our network, until a customer alerted us that it was not just out network......we took AbanteCart cart down quickly. I had installed some extensions so I disabled these and tested again with the same result. Help please!

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Can You please post more details?
AbanteCart version? Where did you click 'account tab' post screenshot...

Hi, It is version V1.1.9. Installed through softalicious. I have attached the screen. The account link is on the top banner of the homepage between "cart" and "LOG OUT". The other screen attached is what can be seen when clicking the account link when someone else in this case me when testing) is logged in elsewhere.

Access to customer is restricted to authentication process. I can not replicate that you say.
Can you please try our demo

See if you encounter same.

If not, post URL to your site, so we can check 

Hi, No, I am not getting the problem in the demo but checked again and am still getting the same with my site (using different browsers). I feel sure it is a setting that one of us here must have changed then forgot about. Thanks for the attention. I will PM the URL and log in details.


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