
Author Topic: New Stripe with the connector only showing order number on customer statements  (Read 7646 times)

Offline llegrand

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Stripe V 1.1.2  that latest version using the connector works.   But  on the customer statements   the identifier is ONLY showing the Order number.   We have verified that the Public business information is set up correctly within the Stripe account to show the company name.   We can find no other place to force the use of the statement descriptor.  Nor do we know how the ShoppingShopping is originating

This is what is showing up within our Card account info - 
Nov 3, 2022   ORDER #10807   ShoppingShopping   $22.70   
The ShoppingShopping  should be the company name as showing in our Stripe Account info.  How do we get it to do so?

I have reached out to Stripe support  about this.  Below is the reply from my phone conversation.  Perhaps it will help you get to the solution quicker.

Hi Lee,

Thank you for accepting my call earlier about the information shown to your customer, glad we were able to find a solution.

Just a quick review of what we've accomplished today, you've mentioned that you've already entered your information in the "Public business information" section of your Stripe dashboard, however, your customer cannot see the store or site name; only see the order ID.

I've informed you that since there is no option to enter the order ID in your dashboard, then it means the information showing in your customer's statements are coming from the side of your platform (AbanteCart). Having said that, I would recommend reaching out to them so that they can look into it.

In case it helps, you can also share with them our Stripe documentation regarding statement descriptors:

If we can be of further help, feel free to reach out to us any time.

Best regards,

« Last Edit: November 05, 2022, 04:02:48 PM by llegrand »

Offline Basara

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We don't know the origin of "ShoppingShopping"

As you can see in the code we send the only order number and it is a statement recorded in the payment

When you say "on the customer statements" is this a Bank statement?

Offline llegrand

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Yes it is what the customer sees on their card statement as to the company they paid.
Not what is showing to the store owner  within their Stripe account info.

It is also the info that should be FOUND WITHIN the Stripe account payment information
You are not passing the correct info to Stripe

As I stated,  the store description for both accounts I checked are setup correctly with the merchant name in the Stripe information. 

I have attached screens shots from the new Stripe extension with connector labeled WRONG
and one for other Stripe accounts NOT using the new Stripe extension  labeled CORRECT

Please review your coding, Stripe support is exceedingly easy to contact and get quick help.
This issue is quite important to maintaining good customer relations when buying on AbanteCart sites.


Offline Basara

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I believe the statement is limited to 22 chars and for most users who use Stipe will be more convenient to see order number related to Payment than general name

Offline llegrand

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This is an important decision on the part of AbanteCart configuration of the NEW connector you have chosen to replace the old Stripe.
I and my clients disagree,   an order number showing on the credit cart statement some many days or weeks after the transaction took place in the store (the customer can't identify)  is extremely problematic.

You had it correct in the old Stripe extension.  Maxtor's subscription extension has it correct by using the info setup within an Admins Stripe dashboard.   Other applications (not AbanteCart) that uses Stripe has it correct pushing the descriptor as input into the STRIP account dashboard.

The Stripe Dashboard allows to use an abbreviated descriptor if the Company name is too long.   This is managed within the Stripe Dashboard of the account holder.

AbanteCart needs to rethink this,  and follow convention of Stripe pushing out to the buying customer  the information as managed within the Stripe Account Dashboard.   AbanteCart has made a wrong decision here.

Again I ask you to please correct  this to a useful format for the buying customer of AbanteCart admins.   We are talking about the info that the buying customer sees on their credit card statement.   

Offline Basara

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We will see how to improve it in upcoming version

Offline llegrand

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Thank you.   Convention and expected info on statements etc  is important to the customers of AbanteCart admins.

Offline llegrand

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Hi Core Devs -  this is now reaching a critical mass of issue.   Even though you made a GitHub on Nov 8,  and have ignored my plea on Nov 16 for a resolve  (I have clients that have customers who are quite upset with the order number only appearing in their card statements.)
There remains no change.

Today  I have an escalated issue from a client :
..having an issue with what is appearing on customers credit card statements for a description of their purchase. Well today  ( Jan 5) I had a customer who disputed a charge on an order the beginning of November and around Black Friday.  She said her statement just had a phone number on it.   I did reach out to my contact at stripe and he gave me this information.  It looks like it is set up correctly in stripe on my end so now I'm wondering if this is something to do with the website. 

Stripe support to my client:
Looks like you're using Stripe through a 3PI platform,, so please reach out to them first (or navigate around their platform) to see if the statement descriptor is something you need to modify on through their platform.

As you can see it is the descriptor issue that I reported in Nov.

Please,  please  fix this!!

Offline Basara

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Hello, llegrand.
As you know AbanteCart is an open-source project and has limited resources. We will take a look and improve Stripe at some point.

Offline llegrand

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Gosh,  that is a stunning reply.  You consider this to be an improvement request?  It is not,  it is a request for a fix. Your previous Stripe app (prior to the connector)  worked correctly.  Maxter's  subscription app works correctly.   It is just your new Connector app for Stripe that is incorrect.

Surely  in the 2 months that you have been made aware of this problem for a payment application supplied by AbanteCart (and you are an authorized integrator with Stripe) you could have found the time to repair your app. 

You should be able to contact Stripe Support for devs and they can give you a fix. 
Perhaps I should work thru with Stripe to see if they can provide you the correct coding for your connector for your authorized integration?

Is it possible to switch back to the old Stripe App?   
Maybe Maxter can provide you a quick answer?

Offline Basara

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Feel free to make a pull request. That's why we have a GitHub. Help is always welcome!

Offline llegrand

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Out of necessity of getting a solution for our client after 2 months wait and some unnecessary problems for users of the Stripe Connector, we looked for a solution ,  it is posted

Perhaps,  when your  "at some point" time comes you may find a different solution, but for now ours is tested and it works.

It remains my opinion that as the provider of a 3rd party integration for Stripe,  I must remark  that 3rd party integration requires Partner status with Stripe and Partner status generates a revenue stream back to AbanteCart.  I have no issue with AbanteCart having the revenue stream,  my issue is your complete lack of caring about a reported problem  and not fixing it in over 2 months.  In essence shirking your responsibility  to fix issues on your app. 

Offline Basara

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Thank you for the Pull Request!


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