Store has been working fine for long time with version 1.1.5, starting from Sep.24, both customer and I can not receive e-mail notification, after searching here, I contacted HostPaPa, and was told php version was upgraded recently, and suggested upgrade my AbanteCart.
I upgraded from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6,.... until the latest 1.1.9, every time it shows successful. So I even didn't check it was working or not. After all upgrade done, I found I can not open my web store, I got " 500 Internal Server Error"
Login to control Panel, when I click the following tabs, got " 500 Internal Server Error"
Click the following tabs, got empty result
Tax Classes:
Error Log repetitive message:
2014-09-30 2:42:02 - database error: AbanteCart core v.1.1.9 Error: Unknown column 'tr.description' in 'field list'<br />Error No: 1054<br />SELECT tr.tax_class_id,
tr.rate AS rate, tr.rate_prefix AS rate_prefix,
tr.threshold_condition AS threshold_condition, tr.threshold AS threshold,
CASE WHEN tr.description='' THEN tc.title ELSE tr.description END as description,
FROM ab_tax_rates tr
LEFT JOIN ab_tax_classes tc ON tc.tax_class_id = tr.tax_class_id
WHERE (tr.zone_id = '0' OR tr.zone_id = '0')
AND tr.location_id in (SELECT z2l.location_id
FROM ab_zones_to_locations z2l, ab_locations l
WHERE z2l.location_id = l.location_id and z2l.zone_id = '0')
ORDER BY tr.priority ASC in <b>/home/leaf5503/public_html/store/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line
Place cursor on Setting tab, show unusual menu as shown in attached.
Tried to restore 1.1.5 manual backup by dump file, got the same 500 error.
Please help. Thanks!