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Author Topic: AbanteCart Forum Rules  (Read 73640 times)

Offline abantecart

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AbanteCart Forum Rules
« on: September 23, 2014, 08:40:50 AM »
General Forum Rules
  • Only one account per person is allowed.
  • Posts are to be made in the relevant forum category. Users are asked to read the forum descriptions before posting.
  • Members are asked to be respectful to all other users at all times. Flaming or insulting users in any form in the forum, private messages or emails will not be tolerated.
  • Do not post any material that can be offensive to others or discuss illegal activity.
  • Do not disguise yourself or represent another community member/company by name or avatar or statements.
  • Do not use the word AbanteCart in your user name or screen name in any form or combination.
  • If you refer to AbanteCart product or project in the post, use one word “AbanteCart” without any abbreviation or spaces. 
  • Do not duplicate questions with new post. Use the global search feature for answers to your questions prior to posting.
    Make sure you have read the parent article/post completely before posting a reply.
  • Choose an appropriate subject line. Summarise the problem briefly in the subject, and elaborate in the message itself. Do not use all caps and do not add false information just to get attention. An example of a bad subject would be "HELP ME". A good subject might be, "Error while updating product". Do not use a URL as a thread title.
  • Do not link to any site that contains adult content, sexually oriented material or might otherwise be considered offensive. Any post containing an inappropriate link will be deleted.
  • No commercial advertising is permitted. Any posts deemed to be self promotion, advertising, or spam can and will be removed. NO SPAM - NO ADVERTISING eg. Posting and making excessive, inappropriate and unnecessary references to your products and websites is self promotion.
  • Members are asked to respect the copyright of other users, sites, media, etc.
    The above forum rules also apply to private messaging. Abuse of the private messaging system may lead to warnings and/or banning from this forum.
  • Members should note, that this software is open source and therefore given out for no cost. All members of AbanteCart community volunteer their time and experience in order to aid others.
  • We reserve the right to remove offensive or advertizing posts without notice.

Post and reply guidelines
  • Because AbanteCart community is supported by volunteers, you need to help them to help you. If you post your question or problem, try to be as clear as possible. Read your message before you post and think if it is clear to others.
  • If you  submit an issue, support it with error message or example of incorrect result. Provide an extract from your error log if you get an error page. DONOT post huge log with duplicate information.  Few lines are more that enough.
  • Include version of your AbanteCart if you report an issue
  • Include screenshots if you think they will help to see your problem.
  • Be reasonable with your specific customization questions. Does it help others?
  • Keep in mind, if you question is not clear, it is likely to be ignored.
  • Do not include private information (passwords, usernames) in the public posts.
  • Using an avatar that would mistake you with a AbanteCart team member is not allowed.
  • Do not use any imagery that you do not own or have rights to use.
  • Do not use any imagery that would be offensive to others.
  • Must be setup in your profile, and not manually added to your posts.
  • Signatures may not contain more than 3 lines of regular or small size text, no spaces between the lines.
  • May include up to 2 external links (URL's or mailto:) - No duplicate links, no tiny URL's or redirects.
  • We reserve the right to ask you to change and/or remove your signature or avatar at any time if violates with AbanteCart or forum policies.
  • Explicit advertising and solicitous language in signatures is prohibited.
Soliciting and Advertising
  • Posting threads or sending private messages or emails to users that advertise or solicit any products, services, funds or donations are strictly forbidden.
  • Explicit advertising and solicitous language in signatures is prohibited.

Failure to follow forum rules may result in an editing, negative moderation, deletion of violated posts or user ban. We reserve the right to ban abusers from the forum and removal of posts in violation with our forum rules. We reserve the right to change forum rules at any time.                                          

Additionally, please check Code of Conduct
« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 03:31:28 PM by abantecart »
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