AbanteCart Development > General Discussion

Import / Export Design

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One problem I have with import / export on Abantecart is that the product export seems to be so wide when exported to CSV or Tab Delimited forms.   Had a bit of trouble understanding why this might not seem a problem to developers until I had a chat with an associate today who had installed a version of the osCommerce import / export contribution which did the same thing.

Now I recall that we generated a version which chunked product imports and exports so that attributes were NOT in the same file and languages were on separate lines in order to keep them down to a dull roar and make the files more manageable....


There is a way to make CSV smaller. You can reduce number of related tables in your export request. In case on import, you can also do this in sets per table.

Number of fields also depends how many options use have for products and other attributes.

That last makes sense - but, as I said, we dealt with that issue by splitting the options and attributes out.

I'm still running into issues attempting to import data that just doesn't get written to the database.  In particular, I always have to manually assign new products to the default store, and attempts to assign categories don't work.


Can you please, post or PM your import file. I will check this for you.

There was also a small bug in import part that I fixed for v1.1
We should have this version out later this week. We are working on final QA fixes.

I'll try to find time to get to that soon.  May be best to just check it on 1.1 first, time wise..



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