eCommerce construction > Installation and Configuration

Move to new folder


      Abantecart is a very powerful shopping cart.  I like to move the folder abantecart to another folder like cart or some thing like that in another drive or location. I read the post regarding moving the folder in an older post. Looks there is not enough information there. Even if through admin panel change the url, is there any other work to do. Help is really appreciated.

What is the question? What information is missing?

Moving AbanteCart is very simple process.
1. Copy content of current installation to new one.
2. Update URL in configuration after you login to admin first time (If URL path changed).

NOTE: Your admin and storefront URL might change, this depends on your web server configuration (relative to your document path)

Thanks for the inspiration and help.  It was not that  easy as you mentioned. Finally i did it.

How did you do it? I try to move it from /AbanteCart to simple public_html


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