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Author Topic: Universal Analytics support  (Read 6256 times)

Offline junkyard

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Universal Analytics support
« on: January 20, 2015, 06:10:34 AM »
They say Google Analytics accounts will become history this spring, and those who haven't already voluntarily converted over from Google Analytics to the new Universal Analytics, will be forced to, as Google will automatically convert over the accounts who have not already done so themselves (though the old name 'Google Analytics' may stick unofficially).
Some of us do not use Analytics (to speed up the page loading) and so, do not care much; but some users do, and AC does support automatic GA integration. Perhaps, the change in old AbanteCart's code (like shipped Javascript snippets) would be required for the new UA accounts to work, so filing this feature well in advance for the abantecart's information, just in case :)


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