eCommerce construction > Configuration
Cannot access the virtual mall URL
After trying various configuration for coupon, pricing and payment, when I log in to the localhost virtual website again, I encounter the following error msg. I am using v1.1 lite version. I try to start and stop both the apache server and mysql, no effect.
There has been an error processing your request
Please check error log for more info. You can check error log in the control panel if it is functional. Otherwise, refer to error log located in your web server
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Can someone advice me? I couldn't do any testing unless I reinstall all over again? What is the differenc en the lite version and teh full version?
take care
The error logs at the admin control panel is as follow:
2012-10-10 7:49:02 - database error: Error: Table 'order_products' is marked as crashed and should be repaired<br />Error No: 1194<br />SELECT op.product_id, SUM(op.quantity) AS total
FROM order_products op
LEFT JOIN `orders` o ON (op.order_id = o.order_id)
WHERE o.order_status_id > '0'
GROUP BY op.product_id
ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 4 in <b>E:\xampp\htdocs\virtualCart\core\database\mysql.php</b> on line <b>86</b>
take care,
I have tried to repair the db. The msg is below which may be helpful for u to understand what is the bugs?
virtualcart.order_products repair info Wrong bytesec: 0- 0- 0 at 4096; Skipped
virtualcart.order_products repair warning Number of rows changed from 54 to 53
virtualcart.order_products repair status OK
take care,
--- Quote from: teck on October 10, 2012, 03:12:46 AM ---Hi,
I have tried to repair the db. The msg is below which may be helpful for u to understand what is the bugs?
virtualcart.order_products repair info Wrong bytesec: 0- 0- 0 at 4096; Skipped
virtualcart.order_products repair warning Number of rows changed from 54 to 53
virtualcart.order_products repair status OK
take care,
--- End quote ---
I guess you have mysql-server troubles.
Do you use LAMP ( ?
You also can try to migrate on unix-like OS (for example Ubuntu, Redhat etc).
The platform for the virtual local host testing machine is xampp.
Now I have moved to one with Ubuntu. So far so good.
thanks and take care,
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