
Author Topic: How do I change the size of my store logo - it is giant on my maintenance page  (Read 6807 times)

Offline browneyedgirl

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I am new to AbanteCart and looking for help.  I have found the location for uploading my store logo: (Design-> templates -> Edit template. I am using the default template.    Uploaded a .png file of my logo..

I left all other settings as the default (e.g. storefront site width = 100%.  I see various widths, heights - but  am not sure what they mdean (eg.. grid Image height and width,. 

Currently my store is off line and so when I go to it,  I see the maintenance page.  The problem is that my store log is absolutely giant and the default text is showing on top of the logo.  How can i  reduce the size of the logo so that it only shows at the top right corner. 

(Please note  - I just installed Abantecart - so almost all fields are default. I've got CV1.2.4. installed.

Any help would be much appreciated.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2015, 02:53:19 PM by browneyedgirl »

Offline Basara

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Currently my store is off line and so when I go to it,  I see the maintenance page.  The problem is that my store log is absolutely giant and the default text is showing on top of the logo.  How can i  reduce the size of the logo so that it only shows at the top right corner. 


You need reduce your logo image source on your pc in any image editor.
Default template logo size is 230px width × 60px height.

Offline browneyedgirl

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thanks basara.  i'll try that out.  I had used the same file in a different shoppoing cart and it didn't appear so large so I thought it was a setting in this shopping cart.  Appreciate the help.


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