I am new to AbanteCart and looking for help. I have found the location for uploading my store logo: (Design-> templates -> Edit template. I am using the default template. Uploaded a .png file of my logo..
I left all other settings as the default (e.g. storefront site width = 100%. I see various widths, heights - but am not sure what they mdean (eg.. grid Image height and width,.
Currently my store is off line and so when I go to it, I see the maintenance page. The problem is that my store log is absolutely giant and the default text is showing on top of the logo. How can i reduce the size of the logo so that it only shows at the top right corner.
(Please note - I just installed Abantecart - so almost all fields are default. I've got CV1.2.4. installed.
Any help would be much appreciated.