Shopping Cart Operations > Support

I want to move to another web hosting. What should I do?

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Yes, I want to move to another web hosting. What should I do?

Should I backup all the existing files of AbanteCart cart and simply upload them to my new web hosting?


Should I install it from the beginning?

Hope for your reply, Mr. Admin.


The simplest way to migrate are these:

1. Install new AbanteCart with normal process on the new host (do not load demo data)
NOTE: You need to select the same database prefix as on your current AbanteCart instance.
2. On existing AbanteCart instance, do backup of database, code and resource library (do not include config)
3. Download backup in the backup history
4. Load backup to newly installed AbanteCart.
5. You will need to replace salt key from your original installation into new configuration file. It is in system/config.php


i am trying this but i dont know where do i load backup.
I have copied backup.tar file to new hosting into admin/system/backup folder but i dont know how to start the migrate process?
i looked in AbanteCart admin area but couldnt find.
Where do i execute load backup?



I think you have done the wrong way to locate backup.tar

You should upload it onto /public_html folder

then move all folders and files in the backup folder onto /public_html folder with no exception
(until no folder and file in it)

delete backup folder and system/config.php

and upload install.php file

backup the database

then run the installation

change the code in system/config.php with the last code you use

sorry but i have no idea what you mean?   :'(

you mean before installing abantecart ?


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