Did you read these docs?
I did, yes, thank you.
You need to select the same MySQL database prefix as on your current AbanteCart instance.
Yes, I did this from the outset, as prompted during the softaculous AC install.
On existing AbanteCart instance, do backup of database, code and resource library (do not include system/config.php)
Interestingly, there is no apparatus provided for excluding config.php from an AC backup.
Theoretically, the user could move the config.php file out of the AC folder stack and then do a backup, I guess.
But this is irrelevant to my current situation.
I installed AC on A2 server.
I ftp'd my site backup to the appropriate folder within the AC install.
I tried to restore the backup, but the AC Restore app wants to browse my local machine via my browser to find the backup folder, instead of looking on the live server.
That is the bottleneck.
I edited the SERVER_NAME key in the live /system/config.php file to point AC at the live server folder.
I verified that Admin Settings and the database site_settings table both contained the correct live url as the site url.
What other component of an AbanteCart install will serve to tell AbanteCart the location of itself?
There is no reason that I can see that a live AbanteCart install doesn't know the location of the folder in which it is installed.
That is my bottleneck.
you will need to replace unique keys from your original installation into new configuration file. It is in system/config.php file
I did this at the outset.
IF the live AC install would look within itself and perform a Restore from its own system/backup folder, then it would find the appropriate UNIQUE ID & ENCRYPTION KEY because I put those keys in the live config.php.
IF AC overwrites the default config.php with my own config.php because it is contained within my backup, the proper keys would still be present. the only problem would then be the SERVER NAME key, right? Easily edited if necessary.
HOWEVER, this problem cannot happen if the live AC install won't look within its own system folder to do a backup.
That is my bottleneck.
a MANUAL install of Abantecart (fresh, without demo) can easily be done - the same way as you did on your local install.
I would suggest you do it manually, after deleting your softaculous install. Then you can use Softaculous to import the installation into that application to take advantage of Softaculous auto backup of entire site and cloning for future testing, etc.
I will probably do this next.
But i will point out that there should be no difference between the softaculous AC install and a manual install, because both installs ask you for the site url, database prefix (which must match), etc, etc.
I did not ftp site files to site folders.
I ftp'd an AC backup folder to the proper /system/backup/ folder within an independent AC install.
The independent AC install has no idea who I am or what data exists where, because it has no information except the install info such as prefix, site url, etc.
I don't understand why the restore function of a fresh independent AC install would want to look anywhere BUT it's own system folder.
If I can understand that, then i can point AC at itself to find the proper backup folder to restore.
I'm reluctant to just nuke the install and start over because I cannot conceive of a reason that act would change anything in my current situation.
Thank you again for your attempts to help.
My bottleneck is how to setup or change an AC install so that it looks in it's own system folder to find backups.