Shopping Cart Operations > Support

I want to move to another web hosting. What should I do?

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yes of course before intallation

so if you have done it you should go back from the beginning

Do you have cPanel on your existing host? 

Will your new host migrate for you? 

If so there is a complete backup option on your cpanel , that includes your database. Once you have that zipped file follow the instructions from your new host in where to place the zipped backup in your new files -  it is usually in root.  They will unpack your files and restore it for you -  this will transport ALL your current settings.  But if you have an SSL it will probably need to be reissued for the new location.

There are only 2 folders inside backup.tar file ?

So i extract the new abantecart to my public_html , and then i extract these 2 folders from backup.tar file. IS this correct?

but i wanted to install a fresh abantecart with only products and translations from the old one, because i did horrible things with my current abantecart and i have many error logs and i dont want to bring these errors to a new hosting.  ;D

it will be certainly fresh installation

can you please try to unzip the backup.tar in your computer

then show me what the code and data folders contain


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